Monthly Archives: June 2012


I have listened to many hours of Dr. Fitness and the fat guy and although I really enjoy the subjects they speak about and the information they give this is just for entertainment purposes.  I knew that when I started but because I blogged about it and some of you might check it out I must be clear that I don’t even know if he is a real doctor and his show is just for my entertainment. 

This became very clear to me yesterday when I listened to the show that Dr. Fitness went to his first “Bikram” class.  I was very excited to hear about his experience and as soon as he started saying he was at the gym running and after he finished he grabbed his towel and went to the yoga room.  Therefore, he is still at the gym so I’m already skeptical at this point.  He says as he enters, it is hot and they have turned up the heat in the room.  Instantly I realize this is not a Bikram studio but I’m still interested and then he continues to talk about his Bikram experience and referring to it as Bikram but then he talks about his downward facing dog and how hard it was.  At that moment it was very clear he was in a hot yoga or hot vinyasa class not a Bikram class but clearly he just associates all hot yoga with Bikram.

Bikram is a specific yoga made up of 26 postures and never have I done downward facing dog in Bikram.  In fact I have read a few books, seen interviews and read articles about Bikram and he never mentions flow yoga or downward facing dog.  Now I’m thrilled Dr. Fitness tried something for the first time I was just disappointed he didn’t know where and what he was actually doing.  Yoga in any form is wonderful but I just expect someone with a radio show to be more informed. 

I will continue to listen but he has lost a little face with me and I’ll be careful to believe everything I hear from him but I was using him as entertainment only and he is a great way to pass the time during my commute and my exercising. I find podcast to be just as entertaining as reading and blogging.


There have been so many new faces in the gym and especially in the Bikram studio.  This morning at the studio there were 4 new faces.  Is there a trend happening here?  Are people trying new things? Are people now starting to think about summer fitness?  I’m wondering what is bringing new people out to the gyms and studios right now.  Perhaps they are now getting bathing suit ready as we enter into July.  I enjoy seeing the new faces.

I’m always intrigued when I see the young kids and I mean in their early 20’s because they are kids to me.  I’m in intrigued when I see them come into the Bikram studio and I wonder what brought them there.  Did they hear about it from someone, did they see something about it in a magazine or on the internet? I’m curious so I asked a couple of kids this morning that were brand new to the program and they were all young men that wanted to try a different form of exercise.

A couple of them stayed the course and got through the workout, one had to leave when we hit the floor because he just couldn’t take it anymore and another left half way during the floor exercises probably because his friend had left so it gave him a way out too.  I don’t know if they will be back but I certainly hope for them they decide to try it again.  Only trying Bikram once isn’t enough. You can’t really determine if you like something like Bikram after only 1 time.


I have written many times about how much I enjoy reading and I certainly blog when I read something worthwhile.  Well now I have a new hobby.  I wrote a few days ago that I have been logging a lot of steps now that I’m able to walk all the time and being outside now.  I put my music on and head out the door for about 1.5 – 2 hours walking and enjoying myself.  After several days my music was getting old and I was missing being on an elliptical because I wasn’t able to read.  I bet you think the next sentence is that I found audio books, nope.  I was mildly complaining about just listening to music so my husband suggested I download a podcast.

I must admit I’m kind of new with all this technology smart phone stuff but I get around relatively well.  I asked what kind of podcast would be good for me to try.  Do you realize there are billions upon billions of different podcasts? I’m sure you all do, but I didn’t know this.  I started to do some research and thought that a good health and fitness podcast would be fun for me to listen to during my walks. I found one that I will share with all of you.  Dr. Fitness and the fat guy which is a radio show but also has free downloads and they talk about everything.  They have a wonder mom on the show Kari who I really enjoy her stories and they bring some good interviews on as well to tell their stories.  I’m totally addicted now. Not only am I listening when I walk but I have plugged into my docking station so I can listen for an hour or two while I’m working.  It is very clean so I don’t need to worry about people coming into my office and hearing anything they shouldn’t.  I have literally found hours of great fun. Everyone has a podcast and I can’t wait to look up some other favorite authors, radio hosts, fitness gurus and yoga gurus to listen to them as well.

Today I was listening to a woman who US air said was too fat to fly not once but twice.  Agree or disagree with the content either way it is light, fun, informative, and passes the time nicely if you need a little more than nature sounds or music.


The summer schedule for Bikram has really decreased the number of classes I am able to attend now and I really miss it.  I wasn’t going every day but I was certainly getting in classes almost every day and certainly most mornings.  Now if I want to go after work I can make up some classes but I must admit that commitment for me is a bit hard.  I’m ready for something else after work and entering an extremely hot and humid room after work in the summer is not what I’m wanting.

I do enjoy heading to the lake after work for a quick dip and a splash around in the lake on a hot night.  In fact, I’m having a hard time finding myself in a vinyasa flow class after work as well.  I prefer to be outside at night and not in a gym or studio.  I have the discipline in the mornings to be inside so I take advantage of that.  I’m hoping there are others like me out there and that they will express concern to our studio and maybe we could get a day or two back in the mornings.

I use the heavy sweating for reducing fluid and I’m actually thinking about trying to find a steam room in the area to see if I can sweat it off that way.  I can sweat quite a bit in my regular workout but not nearly as much as I do in Bikram.  I really enjoy all the aspects of Bikram and really trying to find more ways to get in more practices.


I received an e-mail yesterday about what is MBT.  I decided to write a blog on it because I find it very beneficial as a form of yoga and therapy.  The description as published by the studio where we do MBT states the following:


This class encourages stillness within the physical body, deepening of the breath, and a quiet mind. Linking fluidity, inward exploration pauses, positive reinforcement, challenging mind, body and breath, yet completely personalized and manageable at the same time makes a MY Therapy class the most inexpensive therapy for mind and body one can buy in today’s world. Hourglass timers MAY join us in challenge; offering an encouragement of focus, stillness, and patience. Add to this a sprinkling of fluidity and step into a place of balance; mind, body, and soul. Expect the flavor of Yin frosted with Vinyasa.


Here is my interpretation of this class.  With most yoga classes I have been to that are flow based the more people in the class the faster the flow seems to go.  I find I’m not exactly breathing in time with my sun salutation and just trying to stay with the class so we are all in downward facing dog and other posturers together. However, if you notice the better yogi’s tend to move slower almost in a slow motion form so they can truly feel every ounce of what is happening in their bodies.

This class tends to be smaller and the people there are encouraged to really slow way down and feel every move, every opening, every twitch, and every edge.  As we flow slowly she will also throw yin type postures into the mix.  Yin is typically done on the floor as a great hip opener but triangle is also an incredible hip opening posture so if you stay there a while and feel it you can see your edges and may or maybe not push through.  Staying in these types of postures is very challenging and fatiguing for the body but it also makes you very aware quickly what your limits are and allows you to decide where to take those limits.

I feel a huge sense of accomplishment when I know I have stayed in a posture like triangle for several minutes and just breathe through the fatigue, discomfort, and the worry that I might fall out.  If I do then I clearly need a break and can go back to it again in a breath or two which is all part of listening to what the body needs.  This type of class is also done mostly with your eyes closed if you have the balance which is a way of not seeing what others around you are doing.  If you don’t know what your neighbors are doing you don’t feel compelled to keep up.

Yin is very much like that as well where you don’t worry what others are doing and often our instructor will comment that she expects to see us all in different forms of the posture because we all have different bodies, challenges, limitations and degrees of flexibility.  She would be worried if she looked up and we were mirror images of each other.  MBT follows that same theme.


I had P.T yesterday and I have written many times that I seem to feel better when I come out of my session.  Yesterday was no different, except when I went in I was very tired and feeling a high level of fatigue.  When I came out and later that afternoon my fatigue rose to a higher level that I was not expecting.  I was so geared up for my Yin Yoga session but by the time we were ready to leave I couldn’t even function to get out the door.

Although my husband was disappointed we didn’t go he understood that I physically couldn’t find the strength to make it happen. I went to bed pretty immediately after that and slept all night. When I woke up this morning I was a new person. I don’t believe PT had anything to do with my fatigue I just think my body is trying to tell me to take it easy.  I was listening and just stopped all together.  Yin is pretty relaxing but I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my mind focused long enough to find the posture.

Tonight we are going Mind Body Therapy (MBT) yoga and hopefully I’ll be feeling like I can concentrate and my body will cooperate. PT and yoga are so good for me but I have to keep it in perspective that just because I’m doing these great things for my body it doesn’t take over the listening carefully part I must do all the time.  Not just once in a while but all the time.  The idea that things can change quickly and my body can come to a stop quickly is reality.


We can all find moments of meditation to just reflect and look inward in a peaceful manner in a peaceful place.  On Sunday morning I headed off to Bikram and my husband headed off in his kayak.  Both of us were looking for quiet places to reflect and meditate.  I found my moment in a Bikram studio and he found his on the lake in his kayak.  I was in room at 106 degrees he was on the water with an air temp of 55 degrees.  We look in different places but we find virtually the same thing.

He was so relaxed and excited when he got home. He was chilly but it didn’t seem to bother him too much.  I was relaxed and tired when I got home.  We just listened to each other’s stories. His being way more interesting to listen to since this was his first time out this season and I’m in the Bikram studio so much not much changes.  I heard the stories of what he saw, heard, and experienced.  He was glowing and remarked that he had a wonderful morning.  The nice thing is that he gets to find these moments of calm when life can be pretty stressful for him.

There are times we go out kayaking together but I know those moments aren’t meant for meditation because we are talking to each other and experiencing things together.  He likes the quiet by himself and he needs that time just like I need my Bikram time.


Summer is technically in about a week away but it certainly feels like summer here in Portland Maine, therefore, I’m able to be outside and doing lots of walking.  I’m logging some series steps these days and getting some much needed fresh air.  Being cooped up for so many months waiting for the nice weather to arrive can make a person crazy for fresh air. I’m crazy for fresh air now.

Every opportunity I get I head outside to walk around and take in the sights.  I’m still getting to Bikram but only a couple days a week which has been difficult for me for different reasons. I miss the practice, I miss the people and I miss the social aspect I got from Bikram.  Which actually sounds a little crazy since yoga in general is such a personal practice.

I’m still getting in a couple nights a week with my husband at our yoga studio as well but most of my time right now is spend just walking.  I’m not running yet but I hope to be running daily before the end of the summer. I first have to start with walking and, logging my miles there and then progressing to running.  Looking forward to summer and all it has to offer.


When having a comprised immune system I don’t necessarily get colds and the flu but I pick up other strange things like Shingles.  What is shingles; Shingles (herpes zoster) is a painful, blistering skin rash due to the varicella-zoster virus, the virus that causes chickenpox. I had the chickenpox as a child so therefore it is my understanding that anyone who had chickenpox can carry the Shingle virus and it can be dormant for many years or forever but is prominent in people over the age of 60 which I’m not, people who had chickenpox before the age of 1, I had them but not before the age of 1,  or people with comprised immune systems.  Ding Ding that is me.

I realized I had it when I saw the blisters and look it up on line.  It is painful to most people but because I live with a certain level of pain this did not faze me.  Also, there is a certain tingle or numbness that goes along with it. I don’t have any of that.  I did get on the antiviral medicine within 72 hours but my blisters were already fully formed so my chances of having it again are increased.  The hope is that I can tell when the next bought comes on and get on the medicine quickly.  Stress will probably be my next trigger so without living in a bubble how does one not have some stress?  I do daily yoga, I eat right, I exercise daily, I rest when I need to, and I recognize when I’m dealing with fatigue and take care of it.  Even as I’m sitting in the doctor office going over all this he turns to me and makes the comment that with MCTD and Shingles I’m still probably healthier than most of the people he sees in a normal day.

My Rheumatologist did not want to come into his office because all his patients have compromised immune systems and I would be a danger to all of them.  I usually do everything through him but instead I worked through a different doctor that my Rheumatologist worked with.  I will need to be careful around people for about 2 weeks and I can have zero interaction with my nephew for 2 weeks.  That is really hard for me but I realize I cannot jeopardize his health.


Whoever came up with that saying didn’t do daily yoga.  Summer is here and as I’m sure some of you have noticed as I have the gyms are filling up again and the classes are getting larger but the amount of classes are dropping off since as we get deep into summer and everyone has their rock hard buff bods they won’t want to be in traditional workout classes anymore.  Bikram is the same way, they decrease the amount of classes for the summer so the ones they have are nice and full and they expect a certain number to drop off soon as it heats up.

I just spent a month trying to get in a Bikram class every day and although I fell short on my challenge I did pretty well and had almost a daily practice.  It is June now and many of my class chances are gone.  Even if I wanted a daily practice I don’t have the means with the class schedule right now so I have to find other things to do.  Going to the gym day in and day does not sound appealing to me since I already spend a lot of time there and it is still a little too chilly and dark for me to start my outdoor morning workout so I turned to P90X.  That is not a typo, I really have the entire series and when I bought this series a couple of years ago I was extremely into weight training and pretty buff.  I was beating my body pretty hard and realized that probably wasn’t the best idea day in and day out.

I ended up putting the series away for a long while but thought I would pull it back out and try it again.  It is really hard, much harder than I remember.  I have not made it through an entire hour yet except for the yoga and stretching hours which I really enjoy.  My mind is so wrapped up in yoga that when I’m doing plyometric I have to dig deep and find my Bengal Tiger strength to push through it.  Since I have been supplementing my yoga with P90X my entire body hurts. Everything from my toes to my eyeballs hurt in some way.  Is this the meaning of “No pain no gain”? The pain will eventually go away is what I keep telling myself!!!