Monthly Archives: July 2016


I realized last night that it has been an entire month since I sent out a blog post and honestly last night was the first time I even thought about it.  This crazy thing called life has gotten in the way.  I don’t mean this in a negative way because even when things are good, life can get in the way.  My husband and I are making a move after 17 years and you just realize how much work is involved.  My body and mind are not able to rest even for a minute these days but because there is always so much to think about, to do, to discuss and to re-evaluate.

This morning was my first time back to weight training in over a month and half.  I figured I was getting my weight training from packing boxes and moving them to storage, but this morning I was reminded that when you don’t use your muscles they will fatigue incredibly quickly.  It won’t take long for the muscle memory to return and I feel strong again and honestly I haven’t run into any boxes I couldn’t lift and haul so I think my strength is there I’m just using it differently.  I also decreased my prednisone to 4.5mg about 3 weeks ago. I wasn’t sure if with the extra fatigue and stress my body would allow the switch from 5 to 4.5 but I can say that things are going pretty well with.  My doctor wanted me to start to ween off since I have been on the Cellcept now for 3 months.  He is hurrying me to get off of it but I figured I would try a small dose reduction and try another one after we move if my body feels ready.

I did some meditating this morning for the first time since we started this whole life change back in April.  Everyone says that this is the time to meditate the most but I was feeling like things had to give, I had to give up many things and that was one of them. I also started walking every morning to conserve some energy to get me through my work days and do yoga whenever I’m teaching but I don’t have my own practice right now. We are about 2 weeks from moving in our new home, starting our new life and making new memories in a new place and I’m hoping that once we get moved in and settled we will find that tranquility life I crave.  I wouldn’t change what is happening right now in our lives I just wish we were at the end of this journey.  Every journey has its struggles and challenges and also its joyous events but all these things cause stress and as we know stress is my biggest trigger and usually the biggest trigger for most of us with autoimmune diseases.  I am at 62 days without a flare today and feeling really good about that.  My husband is constantly reminding me to breath and rest but my hope is to finally find some real sleep in my very near future.

I am too close to the situation to see when I really need to take a breath and relax . I give people advice all the time but it is very hard to take my own advice.  My plan for the next couple of weeks is to get back to my regular routine, walking, my personal yoga practice, weight training and meditation so this morning I was able to get my weight training session and meditation session in. That felt really good.