Yesterday at the family Christmas party I was faced with gluten galore. I had prepared myself and taken some food but still seeing all that wonderful food was too much for me. I was surrounded by fresh breads, cookies, cakes, pies, and everything else you can think of. There was lasagna and crackers with cheese, which I can honestly can say I didn’t indulge in either of those but I couldn’t help taking a piece of jalapeno/cheddar bread. It about burned my mouth but it had this fresh, soft on the inside, crusty on the outside delectable taste. I also couldn’t help myself when it came time to taste the toasted coconut cake. My husband is Portuguese so there were these little but deadly Portuguese pastry something or others and I just could not help myself. Oh my, I did way indulge in the glutenous foods.

Today I’m feeling like a total ass flabber and will spend the entire day detoxing trying to rid myself of the gluten I ate. I’m starting with a trip to Bikram in order to sweat out as much as possible. I’ll come home and take some gluten digest pills to help get it out of my system quicker and will spend the day drinking lots of water and tea. I am still eating today,this isn’t a fast by any means but I’ll be careful about what I eat today.

I’m hoping that I don’t put myself into flare-up with the eating I did. I didn’t feel bad last night other than a headache but that could have been from fatigue or food. It usually takes my body a couple of days to react so I’ll watch and see what happens. I’ll also be extra good to myself the next several days and make sure I don’t get over stressed or over tired as those triggers could worsen the flare if I’m going to have one. I also can’t worry about having a flare as that will increase my chances but I do need to be aware.

This time of year is all about be tempted with goodies and this was my first party. I need to get my mental strength back and be ready for next Sat and our next party and not indulge as much or at all.

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